Ushering in a New Perspective Through Better Questioning.
Life is one roller coaster ride with no two days being exactly the same.
Each day brings a myriad of experiences — some of which are happy while others that are disappointing and frustrating.
These experiences elicit in us questions — questions that we ask ourselves silently, the answers of which influence our feelings, thoughts and actions.
The moment we ask our self a question, our brain is quick to answer. These answers have the power to reconstruct our thinking, making our mind either our best ally or our worst enemy.
Let’s say, you weren’t able to stick to the diet routine you chalked out for yourself. Along with feelings of frustration, your mind would be flooded with questions like — why can’t I control my eating ? why can’t I be more disciplined? No sooner you ask these questions than the brain pipes up with answers like ….’you have no self-control, you just can’t stick to plans…and so forth. At this point it is difficult to quieten the mind or redirect your thoughts and what follows is feelings of inadequacy, regret ,anxiety and guilt.
This negative self-talk and limiting beliefs slowly begin to be the lens through which we see ourselves and the world around us — All precursors to a life of heartache and a feeling of ‘I’m not good enough.’
Now if you were to reframe your question –‘How can I stick to the my diet plan’ or ‘How can I resist snacking between meals?’ You would come up with answers like — Attach a reward on days you follow the plan or talk of your plan with a friend so you feel the accountability.
The answers you get to these questions are solution oriented which make you feel empowered and positive.
When the questions we ask ourselves have ‘ Why Can’t…’ in them, we set ourselves up for receiving answers that create suffering.
The words we use to probably understand ourselves or relieve our agitation does quite the opposite, it sends us spiralling down the vortex of negative self-talk, which eventually leads to despair and discontentment.
On the other hand questions with the words ‘How Can…’ help tap into our own creative powers and come up with answers that makes us feel confident and capable.
Regularly asking yourself ‘How Can….’ questions create a positive atmosphere around you and you will see your life beginning to transform.
You begin to develop a mindset that is solution focused. As you learn to lean into your own inner strength, your self-worth improves and life looks encouraging.
For the last few weeks I’ve tweaked my morning routine a little bit. Instead of leaping out of bed to attend to the various tasks of the day, I lie in bed and ask myself a few questions and the answers my brain gives me get me buzzing with enough positive energy to preserve and work towards my dreams.
Here they are -
How can I make today a joyous day ?
How can I use my talents to make a difference at my workplace?
What can I do to take a small step outside my comfort zone?
How can I show the people around me that I am grateful for their presence in my life?
It takes only 3–5 minutes, but spending these few minutes asking yourself the right questions allows you to direct your focus onto how you can purposefully create a roadmap for personal growth.
If this became a habit, like brushing your teeth every morning, then, over time, merely waking up would put you in a positive state.
Each day presents us with opportunities to break old patterns, overhaul certain areas of our life and be the choice makers in living the life we were meant to live.
When the intention we create through the right questions direct our focus … Then — Magic Unfolds.